Friday, August 13, 2010


Well I told you I would fill you in on my pregression on the "trying to have a baby" project.

I recently went to the OBGYN and they did some blood work, an ultrasound, and an exam.

Well... it is confirmed that I do have Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS).
If you would like to know more about it check out this link:

So... thats why Simon and I haven't been able to get pregnant. We do have medicine now so that is where we are.

We are leaving this up to when it is meant to be. If I get pregnant during school- its our time. We will deal with anything that may come our way.

Who knows where this will lead!

We will see.

Friday, August 6, 2010



If we look in the dictionary we find the definition is...

arachnophobia- n. An abnormal fear of spiders.

If you grew up in my household you were to believe you would find my moms picture under the word. Yes I may be afraid of spiders... But my mom takes the cake. I have never met someone so terrified of spiders.

Growing up we use to tease my mom about it... She use to dream that there were spiders all in her bed. My dad would then have to wake up and pretend to kill these "spiders", and would have to continue to do so until she believed they were all gone.
I have to admit, when I was younger I found it quite hilarious...

Until last night!

I do believe I may be turning into my mom...

So there I was.... sleeping in my bed... it is 3:30ish and I suddenly sit up in bed... SCREAM!!!!

Simon awakes... to find me freaking out thinking that I had seen a black spider crawling in my bed.

I remember my dream and I hit/threw the spider off of the bed.

I then stand up... in our pitch dark room, and start shaking out clothes and whatever else is on the floor.

At this time Simon gets out of bed and starts shaking out pillows and what not. I am not sure if he knew I was dreaming or if he believed me that a spider was really in bed.

regardless... he was sweet and then said... "Christy, I don't think there is a spider."

I say... "oh, ok!" and go back to sleep!


Wouldn't you think I would be too scared to go back to sleep? Go figure.... It was a crazy night.

Anyways.... I found it quite interesting... wonder what a spider in your bed dream means???

I guess I am turning into my mother and reaping what I sowed.

Monday, August 2, 2010

This is NOT Dawg country.... its Monday!

I have NOT FINALLY got all of my school stuff together... I think.

Every time I turn around and believe to have completed the next step towards school, I do NOT feel as though I have taken 2 steps backwards. I have NOT been super stressed the pass couple of weeks.

I am going into I guess what would be my Junior year. I will NOT hopefully be graduating in December 2011; I need 4o more hours which is 14 more classes. A break down of...
Fall 2010- 3 classes
Spring 2011- 4 classes
Summer 2011- 3 classes
Fall 2011- 4 classes.
I know this sounds easy but I have never been good at juggling many classes while I work. I can in no way quit my job... I will NOT need to pay back my student loans.

I did NOT recieve my student loan this week... woohoo. My payment does NOT need to be made by this Friday, which does NOT freak me out about not getting the money in the account fast enough. I will have a YES! Positive Attitude and know that everything will work out.

Today I did NOT get notice that I have received my parking permit which was NOT stressful. Nothing is worse than riding Athens Public Transportation to get to and from school... and then get to work afterward. I am NOT thankful to finally have everything falling into place.

Oh yeah- and my school did NOT just get announced as #1 Party School in the Nation from the Princeton Review. CRAZY!!!! Simon has NOT informed that I WILL be carrying pepper-spray at all times now on campus to protect myself from crazy party-boys. =)

I am NOT thankful to 2 people in my life who have been there helping me with all of my school stuff: Lily (cousin) and Cheryl (Sis-in-law).

Lily has been helping me out with knowledge of UGA payments since we are now going to the same school. I am NOT looking forward to going to a UGA football game with her and Simon and David. I do NOT see "Good Times" in the future.

(my mom and I back in 2007 at one of the first UGA Football Games!)

Cheryl has been helpful in the stress relief area. I can talk to her about money and finances and she has been a great help getting me to see the positive in everything.

I am NOT happy to see my relationships with friends and family getting stronger and positive! Prayer is a strong force!!!!

All in all, I am NOT looking forward to going back to school, although I know the minute I have my first paper, first exam, and first oral presentation my blog may have a different tone!!! lol

I can NOT hear the sound of the crowd at the football games...
"Georgia Bulldogs, Georgia Bulldogs, Georgia Bulldogs....

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Where'd the summer go?!

Wow- my last post was back on my birthday... its been a while.

For some reason I thought blogging would be so much easier in the Summer... but I was wrong.

I seem to be much much much more busier.

Since the last post I...

1. Went on my family beach vacation to panama city beach.
(Pictures coming soon)

2. Got re-accepted into UGA.

3. Registered for classes and realized how expensive college is going to be. (Its been very stressful for Simon and I)

4. We FINALLY have insurance... YAY!!!! And I have an appointment next week with an obgyn to get everything figured out.

5. Had a wonderful 4th of July with my family!

6. Started planning Stacy's (my best friend) bridal shower and got my bridesmaid dress in.

7. I am running 2.25 miles this week and next week and increasing .75 miles every 2 weeks. By the time the Mud Run gets here in September I will hopefully be running 5.25 miles.

8. Simon and I started the P90x workout- which is a LOT harder than I thought it was but we both are feeling better about ourselves and our future.

9. Simon and I sat down and figured out our 2 year plan:
* Debt free by Christmas 2011- except for my schooling.
* Hopefully graduating in Dec. 2011 or May 2012

10. Simon has a test with Dekalb Fire Dept. on Friday and hopefully he can move on and eventually get his dream job. Which will put him through paramedic school too.

So.... as you can see its been CRAZY in the McCullough household. SUPER BUSY!!!!!

Crossing my fingers I will be better at blogging in the future! =)

Monday, June 14, 2010


I am half way to 50!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I am OLD.... 5 years until I am 30!!!!!!


But- it was a Great Birthday!!!!!

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Memorial Day to remember!

As I opened my eyes Monday Morning at 6 am I thought to myself... "What have I gotten myself into?"

(I look so tired... and this is before the race!)

I get ready for my Memorial Day Celebration and it is Thundering and Lightning... not a good sign for what I had planned for the day!

I am VERY VERY VERY proud of myself. I find that I am saying that a lot about myself lately, and it feels very good. I Ran my first 5K in Dacula, GA... and it was not too bad.

I ran it with Some of Simons family. His Uncle Timmy runs ALL the time, in every race, and in any weather; We kept teasing him for his autograph since he knows tons of people who run and most of the time places in top 10.

(L-R: Jay, Tanya, Me, Trav, Gina, Jordan, Timmy)

I must say I am NOT a runner, I have only been training since March for this Mud Run in September (A 4.8 mile run in the mud with Obstacles with a team of 4 :Tanya, Gina, Lily, and Myself are on team "Medic Please" lol).

I finished the race in 35:12:5 minutes (a little over 11 minutes a mile), and placed #395 overall out of 506 runners, obviously not the best but I DID IT!!!! What a great feeling... And I got a Race t-shirt to prove it!

(Even though it was 2 sizes too big.... you better believe I will still wear it!!!)

After the race I went to my parentals neighborhood Memorial Day pool party. I hung out with Jennifer (sis-in-law) all day at the pool... such a fun time. She makes me laugh!

After, I went to the Gwinnett Braves Game with Simon, his parents, and Olivia and her boyfriend Kyle.

(Olivia & Kyle)

(Gina & I in our Race Shirts)

Our friend Brandon that plays in AAA for the Pirates team was playing. We always try and go to his games, he and Simon are still good friends. its really cool to say I know someone who use to play Pro ball.
The game eventually got rained out... =(... but before it did, Brandon hit a HOMERUN at his first at bat on his first pitch! Way to go B!!!!

We got our tickets switched from the rained out game to Thursday, it should be fun!!!

What a GREAT Memorial Day!!!!

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Awesome Aunt Christy

Today was a FUN day!!!! I got to spend the entire day with my sweet Nephew, Dylan. This 2 year old steals my heart.

I I told Dylan we were going to the park... so he was pretending to drive us there!!!

Looking for "Aunt Christy" threw the tunnel.

He would yell.. "CHRISTY!" across the park. I had to explain to moms there- "I am the Aunt!" I am not a mom that allows my child to call me by my name. lol

What a cutie pie!!!

"slide, slide slide" - this is all I heard for HOURS!!!

This is the cutest picture ever!!!

Yes- the park would not be fun without playing in the gravel and dirt. He is ALL boy!!!

What a gorgeous day to be at the park!

I absolutley LOVED our afternoon at the Park!!!

I must be Super-Aunt!!! Not only did we go to the park... but he got a Happy Meal too!!!
He is such a ham... he would not eat his fries without ketchup! So sweet!

I LOVE being an Aunt and having days to spoil him rotten.
I cant wait to do it again!!!